Anne Müller

ist ausgebildete Diplom-Orchestermusikerin und hat in Berlin und in Frankfurt am Main bei Prof. Michael Sanderling studiert. Bis 2005 spielte sie im RSB und bei den Brandenburger Symphonikern.

Sie arbeitet als freischaffende Musikerin und spielt in unterschiedlichen Formationen und Ensembles.

Anne Müller is a classical educated cellist from Berlin. She studied in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main at the class of Prof. Michael Sanderling. Apart from her work with classical violoncello engagements, Anne Müller has often been an enthusiastic accompanist, the smallest string orchestra possible, surprising and fulfilling the vague string desires of bands and collectives. Now she discovers and invents new ways for herself, now she bestows new freedom and new borders upon herself and her instrument: Loops, songs, landscapes, faults and acoustic glitches find their place in her performance, and her performance finds its place among them.

Anne M�ller | Cellistin